Saturday, November 16, 2013

How to Combine Transparent Dress for The Best Appearance

How to combine transparent dress for the best appearance - A feminine, sexy, and romantic when women are drawn using a transparent dresses. Clothing made of chiffon material that is usually made for blouse and dress.
How to combine transparent dress for the best appearance
However, because the material is translucent, it makes women often lack confidence to wear it. Don’t confusion, consider the tips and tricks using transparent fashion as reported by eHow

  1. Combine with a transparent fashion camisole as the innards. The camisole likes tank top with lace, which make you look more feminine. Choose a camisole with a matching color to your transparent outfit without patterned.
  2. If you have a larger volume of the body around the abdomen, waist, or hips, choose a long tank top as the innards. Pants or skirts are worn at the waist can also reduce the volume of your body which is great in the middle.
  3. Tube top can also be used as the innards. Choose a color tube top is most similar to the color of your skin. If you do not have a large volume around the abdomen, waist, or hips, cropped tube top ( tube that only cover the chest ) can be an option to add a sexy impression.
  4. If you are wearing a transparent dress with long sleeves, can use the vest. Transparent dress with tunic style will look attractive when paired with leggings or skinny jeans.
  5. Use transparent fashion as the outcome of the not -sleeved dress. Use as a sweetener and a belt to accentuate the silhouette of the body.
  6. If you want to use a transparent fashion when it works, add a jacket or cardigan as output. Do not forget to keep the clothes in ( tank top or camisole ).
  7. Transparent clothing is also suitable for a casual dinner or clubbing with friends. Simply use a black bra, then your appearance look sexy. Use the trousers or maxi skirt. Avoid using short skirts or shorts, because it would look cheap.

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